Air Distillation JSON Format
The Air Distillation recipe type is used in the Air Distillation Tower multiblock in order to determine which gas blocks should be generated based on biome/dimension.
General variables:
dimensions: JSON array (string). Each entry in the array is used to determine which dimension this recipe works in.
biomes: JSON array (string). Each entry in the array is used to determine which biomes this recipe works in. The format is the following:
- For single biomes, use the string "B#" before the resource location. (ex. "B#minecraft:snowy_tundra").
- For biome categories, use the string "C#" before the string used for the category. (ex. "C#taiga").
In most recipes, either dimensions or biomes should have a value. Not having either would make the recipe universal, meaning that it would overwrite any specific dimension/biome recipe.
output# JSON object. The "#" should be replaced in sequential numerical order for proper recipe population, starting at 1 and ending at 10. These numbers correspond to the level of the Air Distillation Tower the block will end up spawning.
output# specific variables:
item: Defines the item that will be outputted. Should be a block item, as it will be placed in-world at the respective level based on random chance.
chance: Float. Set to 0 by default. Represents the chance for the block to spawn in-world next to the Air Distillation Tower at any given tick.
Example 1: Air Distillation in The End
"type": "rankine:air_distillation",
"dimensions": ["minecraft:the_end"],
"output3": {
"item": "rankine:hydrogen_gas_block",
"chance": 0.5
"output4": {
"item": "rankine:helium_gas_block",
"chance": 0.1
"output5": {
"item": "rankine:fluorine_gas_block",
"chance": 0.05
"output6": {
"item": "rankine:chlorine_gas_block",
"chance": 0.05
"output7": {
"item": "rankine:neon_gas_block",
"chance": 0.05
"output8": {
"item": "rankine:argon_gas_block",
"chance": 0.01
"output9": {
"item": "rankine:krypton_gas_block",
"chance": 0.007
"output10": {
"item": "rankine:oxygen_gas_block",
"chance": 0.005