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Version: 1.2


Evaporation JSON Format

A recipe type that is used by the Evaporation Boiler and Evaporation Tower structures.

General variables:

large: Boolean, set to true by default. Determines whether the Evaporation Tower (true) or Evaporation Boiler (false) structure should be used.

biomes: JSON array (string). Each entry in the array is used to determine which biomes this recipe works in. The format is the following:

  • For single biomes, use the string "B#" before the resource location. (ex. "B#minecraft:snowy_tundra").
  • For biome categories, use the string "C#" before the string used for the category. (ex. "C#taiga").

total: Integer. Has to be defined once by the recipe. Set this value equal to the number of outputs used in the recipe.

large: Boolean, set to true by default. Determines whether the Evaporation Tower (true) or Evaporation Boiler (false) structure should be used.

cookTime: Integer. Determines the number of ticks required until recipe completion. Evaporation Towers can increase height to decrease processing time.

input: JSON object. Inside this object is the variable "block" which must be set to the fluid that will be placed in the structure.

bucket: JSON object. Inside this object is the variable "item"/"tag" which is set to help with JEI integration. The item/tag provided does not have to be a bucket. This is mainly used to tell the player which liquid they need to place in the structure.

output#: JSON object. The "#" should be replaced in sequential numerical order for proper recipe population, starting at 1.

output# specific variables:

item: Defines the item that will be outputted.

weight: Int. Set to 0 by default. Represents the likelihood of this item to be chosen as the random output from the sluicing process. Higher weights equal a higher likelihood.

min: Int. Set to 1 by default. Represents the lowest possible count that can be produced if this item is the result.

max: Int. Set to 1 by default. Represents the highest possible count that can be produced if this item is the result.

Example 1: Evaporating resin in a Evaporation Boiler

"type": "rankine:evaporation",
"large": false,
"total": 1,
"cookTime": 1200,
"input": {
"block": "rankine:resin"
"bucket": {
"item": "rankine:resin_bucket"
"output1": {
"item": "rankine:amber",
"weight": 1

Example 2: Evaporating water in an Evaporation Tower located in any Ocean Biome and the Snowy Beach biome

"type": "rankine:evaporation",
"total": 3,
"biomes": ["C#ocean","B#minecraft:snowy_beach"],
"input": {
"block": "minecraft:water"
"bucket": {
"item": "minecraft:water_bucket"
"output1": {
"item": "rankine:bromine_nugget",
"weight": 1
"output2": {
"item": "rankine:iodine_nugget",
"weight": 1
"output3": {
"item": "rankine:salt",
"weight": 80